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"Why did I create EMI"
President's testimony

I created the EMI association in 2004 after a long illness that lasted 2 years,
It hit me at the age of 40 .....
During this whole period I experienced, like any patient, doubts, loneliness and of course anguish ...
Physically I was very weak with significant pain which affected my morale,
As a doctor, I was on the other side of the fence and I understood better what a patient expected from a doctor and their loved ones:
listening, kindness, kindness, serenity!
Indeed, I realized that the morale participated in the healing and allowed to gather its forces to fight as well as possible against the disease,
During these two years I was no longer in the "active" world, I was excluded, I was elsewhere ...
I took refuge in an imaginary world, in mystical readings that a healthy person could not understand,
I read the book of Job from which I perceived certain sublime messages, to have compassion, not to judge the other as long as we are not in the same situation, indulgence, benevolence, mutual aid, solidarity, Love…. the best means to restore some justice!
Difficult to understand but I got used to my illness and my weakness was my strength ...

I managed to get out of it thanks to this kindness and the love of my loved ones, I told myself that I had to share and take advantage of my experience to restore some justice and what a worse injustice than a sick child ! I had found my mission, a meaning in my life:
Help sick children especially in Israel because I happen to be a child of Israel!
EMI was born .......




Place health beyond the conflict and improve the care of children, of all origins, treated in Israeli hospitals.
Put Health above the conflict and improve the care of children, of all origins, treated in israelis hospitals.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


Support children of all origins by supporting the association EMI - Enfants Malades en Israël: An association carrying peace.

In evoking this region of the world, it is difficult to avoid the cynicism which disrupts any process of peace. But suffering has no nationality and the message we wish to convey is above all humanist and pacifist. This initiative is entirely secular and has no political or religious character. It is indeed important to know that patients of all origins are treated in Israeli hospitals.

Its objective is to raise funds through the organization of events, concerts, shows, intended to finance structures, materials, equipment intended for sick children but also to be at the heart of local actions. (gifts, cakes, toys ...)

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


Since its creation in 2004, EMI Sion has supported the following establishments:

  • Soroka Bersheva Hospital

  • Necker Paris Hospital

  • Assaf Harofeh Rishon Letsion Hospital

  • Kaplan Rehovot Hospital

  • Kiriat Malachi Center for Visually Impaired and Blind Children

  • Barzilai Ashkelon Hospital

  • Yad b Yad Tel Aviv Center

  • Child victims of abuse

  • Children of Sderot with post-traumatic stress disorder

  • AZCO: association of Zootherapy in Côte d'Or

  • AKIM Ashkelon Association - Children with multiple disabilities

EMI Sion aims to help sick children by organizing events highlighting young talents in different activities,
Our values :

Solidarity Mutual aid Trust Dynamism Discovery Sharing
Patience Serenity Adventures
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